New WordPress theme implemented on Freewaregenius
If you follow this site regularly, then you would have seen the almost daily changes that have been going on for more than a week now. We finally moved away from the Hybrid theme framework over to...
View ArticleCreate a local, development version of your WordPress site on your hard...
If you have a WordPress site, you may have imagined how useful it would be to have a development version of your site running on your hard drive, that you could experiment a nd play with offline...
View ArticleTurn the images on your website into an interactive experience, with Taggstar
Taggstar is one of those great ideas that comes along every now and then, that is so simple and powerful that you wonder why no one else has come up with it before. Imagine taking the images on your...
View ArticleThe best anti comment spam solution for WordPress
This site, like most sites, has struggled with comment spam for a long time. We use the WordPress publishing platform and the most popular WordPress anti-spam plugin (Askimet) did not provide an...
View ArticleFree Giveaway: THEMEFUSE premium WordPress themes
If you use WordPress then here’s your chance to win three premium THEMEFUSE themes of your choice. This is the first WordPress theme giveaway on Freewaregenius and frankly we didn’t think WordPress...
View ArticleNew theme design for Freewaregenius
As you can see all around, we’ve changed the design of the site. The reason: I wanted something simply cooler and more attractive, and something that can showcase the content that we put up in a better...
View ArticleVote: how do you like the (newest) site redesign?
This blog has had five different themes in the span of twelve months, so please let us know what you think about the latest site design. It’s been largely a process of trial and error, but it was also...
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